News Update

Things may have appeared static since the last post but, like watching a burrowing badger, none of the effort shows on the surface…


Things going bump in the night mean everything isn't as quiet as it seems...


Feedback is now coming in from final-stage gamma readers—the news is good; two have already said they’ve had to go back and re-read chapters for mistakes because they were gripped.

When they did re-enter crit mode, the worst they found (so far) were typos and a couple of basic continuity issues that were easily fixed. There is still a significant amount of feedback to come, but if it keeps errors in the released book to a minimum it’s worth the wait.


After six concepts and over twenty rough drafts, the cover design has been finalised. I received some immensely helpful pointers from Colin Barnes, a friend of mine who is trained in graphic design and has been releasing his thriller/SF books with custom covers for several years. Thanks are also owed to the Elite: Dangerous community’s very own Mobius, who contributed other useful design ideas.

The design is going to remain under wraps until it receives official approval from Frontier (hopefully, later this week). I could fall back on one of the others, but the current favourite combines a classic SF look with plenty of Elite influences. As requested by the community in the poll, it’s also completely different from any of the other Elite: Dangerous books released so far.

Formatting and Final Read Through

Formatting the text has already started. I need to incorporate all the corrections from the gamma readers before I do a last run through the whole ebook. How long this stage will take, I don’t know. Editing the HTML has been the only way to fix some problems in the past…


While I await Frontier’s decision and more feedback, it’s family holiday time in just a few days. There’ll be some work done on corrections, but things will really spin back up to speed later in August…

Until then, have a good summer, one and all.

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