A Belated Merry Christmas to All Commanders

Blue Christmas BackgroundAnd a Happy Impending New Year!

It’s the holiday season, so you’ve either been able to find some serious time for credit grabbing and universe re-righting or terrestrial considerations have earthed your spaceboots. Either way, I hope you’ve been enjoying yourselves and aren’t shortening your jump ranges by eating too much.

Thank you, again, to everyone who made Out of the Darkness possible and to those who have bought either the ebook or paperback. Please, let me know what you think, on Amazon, Twitter, or in the comments below. With our words lost in the void, we writers feel bereft and lonely and it’s great to hear voices over the comm.

The book continues to sell steadily (apart from a Christmas dip), which isn’t bad at all considering it came out in August. Knowing the community are enjoying my work increases the chance of a sequel, but I can’t give a definitive word on that until Frontier let me know their plans for Elite fiction in the future.

In the meantime, many of the other Elite writers have started other fictional works, are touring the galaxy as their main character, or they’re involved with writing for other game franchises. Not having a publication team to sort OotD, those roles fell to me. By the time I was done, I felt satisfied but tired and I’ve taken some time off to relax and play a little Elite: Dangerous. I’m sitting on 1.5 million Cr and a moderately modded Type 6. Yep, I’m a space trucker, at least until I can pack enough agro into my spare Cobra to stand a chance against the vets out there in multi-player.

But writing was always going to draw me back. As a neutral, I’ve been keeping up with controversial developments in the gaming world around the ‘gamergate’ hashtag. It’s a complex and emotive subject. I wrote a journal piece, I suppose you could call it, to sort out my thoughts on the issues and, after finishing it, decided I may as well share it online just in case anyone was interested.

The post is a little unstructured, personal, and really long for a blog. I thought I’d get one or two readers at most. I still can’t believe the hit count is over 2800 and rising. If you’re interested, the link is HERE.

For 2014, that’s me. I hope to visit a system near you soon, when I’m hard enough.

All the best for 2015,

T. James.

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